Annie Rimmer

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice.

If you email me through this website I will use the email address from which you email or any other contact information you send to me to reply to you. Once I have done this my reply to you will remain in my sent folder as a record of my response to you. If you wish me to delete any record of you having contacted me please let me know when you contact me and I will do so.

Any phone messages will be deleted immediately after responding to you.
For further clarification of the limits of confidentiality of emails or phone messages. You can read my Digital Policy page.

If you go on to become a client of mine, the following statement applies and you will be asked to agree and sign a copy when we start working together.

Annie rimmer Counselling and Psychotherapy is collecting your address, phone numbers, e-mail address, emergency contact details, date of birth, GPs details and those health conditions and treatments you choose to share for the purpose of your counselling or psychotherapy with Annie Rimmer.
It may become necessary to share some or all of this information should there be a medical emergency, or to prevent harm to you or someone else.
I will only share necessary details with the appropriate emergency services in such circumstances and if reasonably possible with your knowledge and agreement.
I will also give an electronic copy of the contact information you have given to me to a trusted colleague who will be able to contact you in the event of my sudden incapacitation.
I will store these details on my password protected desktop computer and your name and phone number in my fingerprint and passcode protected mobile phone so that I can reach you in the event of not being available for your session.
There will also be a record of any emails or texts we have sent to each other on said computer and mobile phone. I will keep these details for the duration of your therapy/counselling and ask you when we end if you want me to keep your contact details, and any email and text records indefinitely afterwards, or if you want me to delete them. In that case I will dispose of your details by permanently erasing them from my computer and my iPhone and all back-ups.
I also keep abbreviated notes of the content of sessions on my desktop computer and a separate hard drive for back up purposes. these will not be shared with anyone unless you instruct me to do so, or unless ordered by a court. At the end of your ‘therapy I will transfer all notes to my external hard drive for my records unless you tell me when I ask you at that point to delete all such notes, in which case I will do so.

When I dispose of my computer or hard drive I will ensure that all data relating to my clients is destroyed professionally. When I change mobile phones I will restore it to factory settings so that all data on it is wiped.
I have left instructions in my professional will that in the event of my death or permanent incapacitation that all data relating to my client work is professionally and permanently destroyed.

If you wish to remove your agreement to my use of your data at any point please let me know by phone020 8291 4091 or email
If you have any concerns about how I have handled your data, you can complain to the Information commissioner’s office helpline on 0303 123 1113.

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