Annie Rimmer

Reflections and Resources

During these past two years or so I have been gathering thoughts, ideas, music, pictures, talks, writings and more which have offered me ways of making sense of what has been happening in our world. I wanted to share some of them with you and hope that they will touch you in the same way they have me. I'd welcome your thoughts and responses to any of this and any of your own findings.

Reflections and Resources. Woman blowing dandelion seeds (cropped)

Pandemic Thoughts

Creating and curating this page began as a project during the first Covid lockdown as a way of helping myself process, reflect and feel more connected to the minds and hearts of others as life was changing in a way none of us had ever experienced before. These short reflections, each beginning with a picture come from that time.

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Reflections and Resources. Ukraine Sunflower (cropped)

2022: Our Broken World

At the time of writing this in April 2022 our world is undergoing the shock and horror of another terrible war in Europe, displaced people all over the world seeking shelter and safety, poverty and struggle for survival increasing daily for millions and real fear for our continued existence on our planet.
So many of our leaders are proving themselves incapable of holding onto truth and integrity and exercising the responsibility that comes with the power they hold. As a result we are all living with so much that is disturbing and frightening, as survival itself rises higher up our awareness on a daily basis and our primitive brain and survival systems are triggered.
As I begin to come through the initial shock about what is happening I find myself seeking again inspiration, wisdom, hope, something that will bring some sense of cohesion or just a thread of something that might help me hold all the many different and contradictory states stirred up inside me together. I feel it’s early days in our newly broken world so my steps are tentative.
The Ukranian Sunflower picture is my first sharing.

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