Annie Rimmer

How often, how long and how much?. annie in consulting chair

How often,how long, and how much?

How often?

Experience and evidence tells us that counselling and psychotherapy is most effective when sessions are regular and predictable. The minimum suggested session format then is weekly, at the same time of day each week.
Sometimes it can be very helpful to meet more often, if this is viable, in order to provide the support necessary to deal with deeper lying difficulties and perhaps to move things along more quickly.
Sessions in my practice last for fifty minutes when available and are either in the mornings, the later afternoons or evenings Monday to Thursday.

How long?

I prefer to work in an open ended way, evaluating with you as we go along the work needed and how we are doing, but I am happy to enter into an initial agreement of a fixed number of sessions so that you can feel confident about our work before making any further commitment.
Depending on the changes you are wanting to make in your life, the work can last from several months to several years, but you can stop at any time and ideally that would be something agreed between us both in advance of the ending.

How much?

Of course people’s circumstances and resources vary tremendously, and for everyone, entering into therapy is a serious undertaking, requiring a significant commitment of time, energy, and money.
I prefer to come to an agreement about fees with each person individually after discussion. Ideally we would settle on an amount somewhere between £75 and £100 per session, and the fee we agree would take into account your ability to pay, and also the time of day of your session.

I always have a significant number of concessionary places in my practice which are for those receiving benefits or on a limited pension or a low wage, and who have no other means of support and these are offered to people as and when they become available. If you need one of these places then please let me know when first contacting me. Concessions are also sometimes available for those needing to work with me two or three times each week.

Should you not be able to come to your session or cancel it for any reason, and we have not been able to rearrange that session in the same week, your session will be charged for at the normal rate. This reflects my commitment to you, and our work together, in keeping your agreed session time available for you without fail, as far as humanly possible every week for the duration of your 'therapy.

If you cannot afford my fees there are also many low-cost counselling or psychotherapy
schemes run by training institutes where you would be seen by not yet qualified or
less experienced people, under supervision. You will find some links to these on
this page.

If you would like to find out about my availability or have any other questions about working with me please don’t hesitate to contact me
on 07899 774 575 to discuss things more or click here to send me an e-mail.

Try the South East London Psychotherapy website for a comprehensive list of low-cost counselling services throughout London.

Counselling and Psychotherapy for
Sydenham, Forest Hill, Dulwich and Crystal Palace,
South East London



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